Greetings from the Florida Herb House! Many of use continue to live our daily lives with varying degrees of troubles. Some may have trouble sleeping, some may get dizzy spells, headaches, tired all the time, lack of endurance, etc etc. Florida Herb House sells a complete line of liquid mineral supplements for a variety of applications. Most of our customers use our liquid minerals as a result of a mineral deficiency and simply dislike the performance of pill/capsule type supplements. Liquid supplements absorb more completely than any pill type supplement. If you think you may be low on one of more essential minerals get checked today!
Buy the best liquid mineral supplements online today at any one of our stores,, or!
What Can Mineral Deficiencies Do?
By: Dr. George Obikoya
Minerals are essential to the functioning of organ systems and our entire body. Some of these minerals exist in large amounts in our body such as calcium. Others such as manganese exist in trace amounts but are, nonetheless, critical to our health and well- being.
Minerals are inorganic substances (unnatural and man made) and they regulate processes within the body. Minerals are in different structures within the body to create enzymes, hormones, skeletal bones, skeletal tissues, teeth and fluids. Calcium and phosphorus are the two most common minerals found in the body. Some of the other prevalent minerals found in the body are; iron, zinc, sodium, potassium, magnesium, fluoride, sulfur, copper, and chloride.
If mineral levels are overabundant in the body, such as sodium, they may facilitate negative effects in the body. High sodium levels may elevate blood pressure. If mineral levels are inadequate in the body, such as iron, they may facilitate negative effects in the body. Low iron levels in women can produce anemia (a deficiency in blood iron levels). Anemia can restrict oxygen and carbon dioxide removal from the cells. Low calcium levels can facilitate irregular muscle contractions, bone density loss, blood clotting and improper brain functioning.
Here is a run-through of the main minerals your body needs and the effects of their deficiency:
Calcium is essential for building and maintaining healthy bones, muscle contraction and blood clotting mechanism. Calcium is also essential to build healthy teeth. Calcium deficiency symptoms include muscle aches and pains, muscle twitching and spasm, muscle cramps and reduced bone density. Vitamin D is essential for proper calcium absorption and utilization.
A lack of calcium can cause rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults. Both conditions cause softening and weakening of the bones and can result in proneness to fractures. Postmenopausal women are especially likely to have calcium deficiency because of the reduction in estrogen during this period in their lives.
Estrogen helps to keep calcium in the bones. Women, particularly older ones, need to supplement their diets with calcium. Calcium and vitamin D are important for maintaining bone density and reducing the risk of fractures. In elderly, ambulatory, white women over the age of 65 who were not using estrogen replacement, supplementation of calcium and vitamin D produces a significant improvement in bone density and reduction of fractures.
Through a combination of diet and supplements, women receiving hormone-replacement therapy (HRT) should get at least 1200 mg/d of calcium, while the goal should be 1500 mg/d for women not receiving HRT. Recommendations for vitamin D intake are now 400 IU/d for women aged 51 through 70, and 600 IU/d for those over 70 years of age.
Children and teenagers, those on restricted diets (avoiding dairy products), the elderly, vegans and those concerned about osteoporosis also have higher needs for calcium.
Chromium is involved in the processes that make glucose available for energy. It is also important for the metabolism of amino acids (the ‘building blocks’ of proteins) and fats. Deficiency symptoms include glucose intolerance or insulin resistant hyperglycaemia (excess sugar in the blood), raised serum lipids and weight loss. Studies have shown that chromium helps to lower blood sugar in individuals with type II Diabetes.
Older people (over 55) plus those who exercise regularly as this may increase the loss of chromium from the body in urine, and will need chromium supplementation. Note, however, that some chromium supplements contain yeast, which can interfere with certain prescription medicines. Individuals with diabetes should only take chromium under medical supervision. Chromium is unsuitable for pregnant or breast-feeding women, or for epileptics.
We need copper for proteins involved in growth, nerve function and energy release. It is vital for the formation of some important proteins. It is a critical functional component of a number of essential enzymes, known as cuproenzymes. Two copper-containing enzymes, ceruloplasmin (ferroxidase I) and ferroxidase II are involved in iron metabolism. Copper is stored in appreciable amounts in the liver. It also has anti-oxidant properties and involved in the regulation of gene expression.
One of the most common clinical signs of copper deficiency is an anemia that is unresponsive to iron therapy but corrected by copper supplementation. The anemia results from defective iron mobilization. Copper deficiency may also result in abnormally low numbers of white blood cells, which can make you susceptible to infections and unable to combat them when they occur.
Iron-deficiency anemia is a form of anemia caused by lack of iron. The body needs iron to make hemoglobin, a substance in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to body tissues.
Much of the iron our body is stored in the bone marrow that makes blood cells. When there is not enough iron in the bloodstream, the body uses the bone marrow reserves. If this iron stored in the bone marrow is low, red blood cells do not form properly: they are smaller than usual (microcytosis) and fewer.
As a result, less hemoglobin is available to transport oxygen throughout the body. Iron-deficiency anemia is the leading nutritional deficiency in the world and the most common type of anemia. In the United States, approximately 5% of women and 2% of men have iron-deficiency anemia.
When you have iron-deficiency anemia, you will likely have fatigue, dizziness, irritability, headaches, difficulty concentrating, shortness of breath during exercise, a pale appearance, brittle nails, and cracked lips. You should not take too much iron supplements. Besides the risk of constipation, a recent study reported in Journal of the American Medical Association, shows that women who store too much iron in their body may be at increased risk for type 2 diabetes.
Magnesium plays important roles in the structure and the function of the human body, involved in more than 300 essential metabolic reactions, including energy production. The adult human body contains about 25 grams of magnesium. Signs of magnesium deficiency include low calcium, hence the diseases associated with it, low serum potassium levels (hypokalemia), retention of sodium, low circulating levels of parathyroid hormones (PTH,) neurological and muscular symptoms such as tremors, muscle spasms, tetany, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, and personality changes.
Manganese is a mineral element that is both nutritionally essential and potentially toxic. It is involved in bone development, wound healing, and it has anti-oxidant properties. It is also actively involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids and cholesterol. Signs of manganese deficiency include impaired growth, impaired reproductive function, skeletal abnormalities, impaired glucose tolerance, and altered carbohydrate and lipid metabolism.
The other trace minerals such as Molybdenum, selenium, phosphorus, iodine, potassium, sodium and zinc play important roles in our health and well-being and their deficiencies can create a variety of health problems for us. Thus, iodine lack can cause goiter, an enlargement of the thyroid gland and its associated symptoms and an important health problem throughout much of the world. A high-quality liquid multivitamin will contain all the minerals that your body needs. Americans spend almost $2 billion on vitamin and mineral supplements each year. There is doubt that this is money well spent all told.
Stephen Sharp
Learn the basics about mineral supplements and how to use them. Whether it is calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iodine, selenium, cesium, or any one of our minerals we invite you to come inside and learn all about each mineral as well as suggested usage and more.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Am I Low On Iron??
Do you know what the symptoms of an iron deficiency are?? Do you know how much iron you should get daily?? Do you know what foods and diets give you adequate amounts of iron?/ Do you need an iron supplement??
Well here is a crash course on the basics of iron and how it effects our body, health, energy, etc. etc. Before we begin we would like to thank Stephen Sharp owner of Florida Herb House, Florida Herb House, which showcases over 2000 all natural and organic goodies including their ever so popular liquid iron ionic mineral supplement!
What is iron? Well you guessed it... Iron is just that. Iron is a metal or in more technical terms a metallic element possessing the symbol Fe on the periodic table of elements. Iron has been used by humans for hundreds of years and is essential to the human body in tiny amount also known as "trace minerals". Iron is mined from various "ores" which are a rocks containing metal compounds.
Why do we need iron? We need to eat foods high in iron to make our blood healthy. Iron allows our blood to carry oxygen to every cell in our body. Our cells need oxygen to live. Iron also helps to keep us from getting sick.
What are some good sources of iron? Iron is found in both animal and plant food sources. Many foods that are high in iron are also high in protein.
Our bodies absorb iron better when foods high in iron are eaten with foods high in vitamin C. Some foods high in vitamin C are oranges, strawberries, kiwi, dark
green vegetables, tomatoes, and peppers. See the Good Sources of Iron list for foods that are high in iron.
The recommended daily allowance for iron is:
Children, 1-3 Years: 7 mg
Children, 4-8 Years: 10 mg
Boys, 9-13 Years: 8 mg
Boys, 14-18 Years: 11 mg
Girls, 9-13 Years: 8 mg
Girls, 14-18 Years: 15 mg
Men, all ages: 8 mg
Women, 18-50 years: 18 mg
Women, 50 years: 8 mg
Pregnant women, all ages: 27 mg
Lactating women, 14-18 years: 25mg
Lactating women, 19 years and older: 28 mg
Even though iron supplements are available for those who are not getting enough iron, they should be taken only on the advice of a medical practitioner. Overload of iron can result in iron toxicity that can lead to illness and death. The Tolerable Upper Limit for iron intake for adults is 45 milligrams/day. It will be very difficult for a vegan to reach this level with diet alone, but it could be possible with a high iron diet in addition to high dose iron supplementation. Iron supplements in the form of chewable tablets should be kept out of reach of children due to the danger of kids mistaking the tablets for sweets.
A list of symptoms of possible iron deficiency from include but are not limited to: feeling tired, fatigued, weak, dizzy, irritable, short of breath or depressed. With anemia, you may also have pale skin, brittle nails, chest pain, a coldness in your hands or feet, or an irregular heartbeat. Some people with anemia also have a desire to eat ice or other peculiar things, experience sexual dysfunction, or have trouble concentrating or performing mental tasks.
For a complete list of ionic mineral supplements go here:
Ionic Liquid Minerals
Have a great Monday!!!
Going...Going...Gone Green!
Stephen Sharp
Florida Herb House
(888) 476-9414
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Am I Low On Potassium
Happy Tuesday Friends!
It is a sunny day here in Florida and we love it!! Today just a brief word on potassium supplementing. Potassium is a mineral that helps balance our body's pH levels and also has other important roles for cell function. Potassium is essential for the heart, kidneys, muscles, nerves, and digestive system to operate normally, and is required for regulating fluid balance, the body's acid-base balance, and blood pressure.
Although potassium deficiencies are somewhat rare they do occur. Potassium deficiencies are rare but can be caused by vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, and certain medications (such as blood pressure medications). The good news is that if you decide to take a potassium supplement any abundance is simply excreted through the urine. Should you decide to use a potassium supplement opt for one in liquid form as it is absorbed much better. Here at Florida Herb House and or we sell many liquid supplements including potassium. Should you have any questions or concerns please stop by and drop us an email. Consult your doctor if you think you may have a mineral deficiency.
If your potassium levels are too high, you doctor may tell you to go on a potassium-restricted diet. If your potassium levels are too low, your doctor may tell you to get more potassium in your diet. Here is a list of foods rich in potassium:
•citrus fruits
•soy products
•veggie burgers
The recommended daily allowance for potassium is 3500 Mg's. One banana medium size has about 450 Mg's of potassium. WOW!! If you eat your 5 servings of fruits and veggies daily you will have a need for extra potassium in your diet!!
Have a great Tuesday!
Stephen Sharp
Florida Herb House
It is a sunny day here in Florida and we love it!! Today just a brief word on potassium supplementing. Potassium is a mineral that helps balance our body's pH levels and also has other important roles for cell function. Potassium is essential for the heart, kidneys, muscles, nerves, and digestive system to operate normally, and is required for regulating fluid balance, the body's acid-base balance, and blood pressure.
Although potassium deficiencies are somewhat rare they do occur. Potassium deficiencies are rare but can be caused by vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, and certain medications (such as blood pressure medications). The good news is that if you decide to take a potassium supplement any abundance is simply excreted through the urine. Should you decide to use a potassium supplement opt for one in liquid form as it is absorbed much better. Here at Florida Herb House and or we sell many liquid supplements including potassium. Should you have any questions or concerns please stop by and drop us an email. Consult your doctor if you think you may have a mineral deficiency.
If your potassium levels are too high, you doctor may tell you to go on a potassium-restricted diet. If your potassium levels are too low, your doctor may tell you to get more potassium in your diet. Here is a list of foods rich in potassium:
•citrus fruits
•soy products
•veggie burgers
The recommended daily allowance for potassium is 3500 Mg's. One banana medium size has about 450 Mg's of potassium. WOW!! If you eat your 5 servings of fruits and veggies daily you will have a need for extra potassium in your diet!!
Have a great Tuesday!
Stephen Sharp
Florida Herb House
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Put Some Magnesium In Your Diet
Happy Tuesday Bloggers!
Our liquid magnesium is a very popular product in our store and we are here to talk a little bit about it today. If you are seeking a magnesium supplement in your diet lok no further that our Florida Herb House and or for all your liquid mineral needs. We love our customers!
The U.S. RDA for magnesium is the amount of the mineral used as a standard in nutrition labeling of foods. This allowance is based on the 1968 Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for 24 sex-age categories set by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences. The 1989 RDA has been set at 280 milligrams per day for women 19 to 50 years of age and 350 milligrams for men 19 to 50 years of age.
As you can see, in 1985 and 1986, about 25 percent of the magnesium in diets of women was supplied by grain products and another 25 percent by fruits and vegetables. Meat, poultry, and fish provided about 18 percent of the magnesium. Fats, sweets, and beverages supply 14 percent of the magnesium; however, they are not considered in our list of "good sources" because they are high in calories compared to the amounts of vitamins and minerals they provide. Foods that contain small amounts of magnesium but are not considered good sources can contribute significant amounts of magnesium to an individual's diet if these foods are eaten often or in large amounts.
Magnesium, a mineral, is used in building bones, manufacturing proteins, releasing energy from muscle storage, and regulating body temperature.
According to recent USDA surveys, the average intake of magnesium by women 19 to 50 years of age was about 74 percent of the RDA. Men of the same age got about 94 percent of the recommended amount. About 50 percent of women had intakes below 70 percent of their RDA.
Eating a variety of foods that contain magnesium is the best way to get an adequate amount. Healthy individuals who eat a balanced diet rarely need supplements. Intakes of magnesium tend to be low in relation to recommendations, and there aren't that many foods that are really good sources; thus, it may take special care to ensure an adequate intake. The list of foods will help you select those that are good sources of magnesium as you follow the Dietary Guidelines. The list of good sources was derived from the same nutritive value of foods tables used to analyze information for recent food consumption surveys of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Human Nutrition Information Service.
You can get magnesium from many foods. However, most people in the United States probably do not get as much magnesium as they should from their diet. Foods rich in magnesium include whole grains, nuts, and green vegetables. Green leafy vegetables are particularly good sources of magnesium.
Although you may not get enough magnesium from your diet, it’s rare to be truly deficient in magnesium. Certain medical conditions, however, can upset the body's magnesium balance. For example, an intestinal virus that causes vomiting or diarrhea can cause temporary magnesium deficiencies. Some gastrointestinal diseases (such as irritable bowel syndrome or IBS and ulcerative colitis), diabetes, pancreatitis, hyperthyroidism (high thyroid hormone levels), kidney disease, and taking diuretics can lead to deficiencies. Too much coffee, soda, salt, or alcohol as well as heavy menstrual periods, excessive sweating, and prolonged stress can also lower magnesium levels.
Symptoms of magnesium deficiency may include agitation and anxiety, restless leg syndrome (RLS), sleep disorders, irritability, nausea and vomiting, abnormal heart rhythms, low blood pressure, confusion, muscle spasm and weakness, hyperventilation, insomnia, poor nail growth, and even seizures.
Magnesium is crucial for heart and bone health and is frequently in short supply in the diet. A safe dose ranges from 300 mg to 500 mg. Too much magnesium can lead to loose stools or diarrhea.
Our liquid magnesium is a very popular product in our store and we are here to talk a little bit about it today. If you are seeking a magnesium supplement in your diet lok no further that our Florida Herb House and or for all your liquid mineral needs. We love our customers!
The U.S. RDA for magnesium is the amount of the mineral used as a standard in nutrition labeling of foods. This allowance is based on the 1968 Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for 24 sex-age categories set by the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences. The 1989 RDA has been set at 280 milligrams per day for women 19 to 50 years of age and 350 milligrams for men 19 to 50 years of age.
As you can see, in 1985 and 1986, about 25 percent of the magnesium in diets of women was supplied by grain products and another 25 percent by fruits and vegetables. Meat, poultry, and fish provided about 18 percent of the magnesium. Fats, sweets, and beverages supply 14 percent of the magnesium; however, they are not considered in our list of "good sources" because they are high in calories compared to the amounts of vitamins and minerals they provide. Foods that contain small amounts of magnesium but are not considered good sources can contribute significant amounts of magnesium to an individual's diet if these foods are eaten often or in large amounts.
Magnesium, a mineral, is used in building bones, manufacturing proteins, releasing energy from muscle storage, and regulating body temperature.
According to recent USDA surveys, the average intake of magnesium by women 19 to 50 years of age was about 74 percent of the RDA. Men of the same age got about 94 percent of the recommended amount. About 50 percent of women had intakes below 70 percent of their RDA.
Eating a variety of foods that contain magnesium is the best way to get an adequate amount. Healthy individuals who eat a balanced diet rarely need supplements. Intakes of magnesium tend to be low in relation to recommendations, and there aren't that many foods that are really good sources; thus, it may take special care to ensure an adequate intake. The list of foods will help you select those that are good sources of magnesium as you follow the Dietary Guidelines. The list of good sources was derived from the same nutritive value of foods tables used to analyze information for recent food consumption surveys of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Human Nutrition Information Service.
You can get magnesium from many foods. However, most people in the United States probably do not get as much magnesium as they should from their diet. Foods rich in magnesium include whole grains, nuts, and green vegetables. Green leafy vegetables are particularly good sources of magnesium.
Although you may not get enough magnesium from your diet, it’s rare to be truly deficient in magnesium. Certain medical conditions, however, can upset the body's magnesium balance. For example, an intestinal virus that causes vomiting or diarrhea can cause temporary magnesium deficiencies. Some gastrointestinal diseases (such as irritable bowel syndrome or IBS and ulcerative colitis), diabetes, pancreatitis, hyperthyroidism (high thyroid hormone levels), kidney disease, and taking diuretics can lead to deficiencies. Too much coffee, soda, salt, or alcohol as well as heavy menstrual periods, excessive sweating, and prolonged stress can also lower magnesium levels.
Symptoms of magnesium deficiency may include agitation and anxiety, restless leg syndrome (RLS), sleep disorders, irritability, nausea and vomiting, abnormal heart rhythms, low blood pressure, confusion, muscle spasm and weakness, hyperventilation, insomnia, poor nail growth, and even seizures.
Magnesium is crucial for heart and bone health and is frequently in short supply in the diet. A safe dose ranges from 300 mg to 500 mg. Too much magnesium can lead to loose stools or diarrhea.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Guide To Calcium Supplements
Happy Friday Bloggers!
From all of us at and we hope your enjoy another one of our informative blogs. This blog will contain plenty of information about various mineral supplements and using them. We highly suggest that one choose a liquid mineral supplement when deciding as the absorption is as much as four fold better than that of capsules and tablet form mineral supplements. We always have in on sale and in stock our liquid calcium available in 16oz and 32oz bottles.
So how about calcium? Do we need a calcium supplement? How much should we take? Are there any precautions? What is calcium? Lets get started!
Calcium is a critical nutrient which makes up approximately 1kg of the average adult's body weight. Over 99 per cent of calcium in the body is stored in the bones and teeth with the remaining one per cent stored in the blood and cellular fluids..
The body stores the calcium in two ways:
- one way is an exchangeable pool which allows the calcium tobe released into the blood stream when dietary intake is low
- the remainder of the calcium is stored in an non-exchangeable reserve in the bones.
The Dietary Reference Intake DRI for calcium for adults is 1000mg - 1300mg depending on age and gender. As one serving of dairy product provides ~300mg of calcium, those who do not consume enough calcium from food sources may need calcium supplements to meet their daily requirement.
Quoted from Dr. Weil:
"For women who don’t think they are getting enough of these foods, I recommend a supplement of 500 to 700 mg daily in divided doses with meals. Women concerned about osteoporosis should be aware that supplemental calcium alone will not correct the problem, which is related to heredity, lifestyle and diet, and is accelerated by hormonal changes at menopause. Weight-bearing aerobic exercise (walking, jogging or aerobics) and weight lifting should be part of your prevention program. Because high protein diets also cause bones to lose calcium, keep your daily protein intake low (limit it to no more than 10 to 15 percent of total calories). Avoid soda, excessive caffeine intake, and smoking, all of which promote calcium loss in the urine. An adequate daily intake of calcium (1,000-1,200 mg) along with magnesium and potassium works to control blood pressure by helping to regulate the amount of sodium your body retains. Most of us get all the potassium we need from fresh fruits (especially bananas) and vegetables. (Don’t take potassium supplements unless a doctor has prescribed them.) Taking too much calcium (three to four times the usual dose) can lead to such side effects as constipation, dry mouth, a continuing headache, increased thirst, irritability, loss of appetite, depression, a metallic taste in the mouth, and fatigue."
Calcium is absorbed in small intestines. Not all calcium we consume will be absorbed. The amount of calcium absorbed is dependent on a number of factors such as the acidic condition in our intestines, Vitamin D level, estrogen level and the type of calcium supplement.
Different Types of Calcium Supplements
One important factor affecting calcium absorption is how well the pill dissolves. Try buying calcium pills of US Pharmacopeia's standards. The "USP" on the label indicates that the calcium pill meets the USP standards of supplying adequate elemental calcium and how well it dissolves in our intestines.
Calcium Citrate e.g. Citracal or Solgar: Calcium is best absorbed in an acidic environment, hence calcium citrate is the best absorbed supplemental form of calcium. It does not require extra stomach acid for absorption; hence we may take it anytime in a day, even on an empty stomach. However Calcium Citrate usually provides less elemental calcium per pill, therefore one may need to take a relatively more numbers of pills per day depending to the needs. Cautions: people with acid reflux may not be able to tolerate calcium citrate
Calcium Carbonate e.g. Tums or Caltrate: Most calcium pills in the market are in the form of calcium carbonate. It requires extra stomach acid for better absorption, hence it is best taken after meals.
Dolomite, Bone Meal or Oyster Shell: These naturally occurring calcium pills may contain heavy metal or lead. At the moment, calcium supplements are not tested by any regulatory agency for lead content. Therefore, it's best to avoid.
Calcium Gluconate and Calcium Lactate: These types of calcium pills contain low content of elemental calcium. Hence, one may need to take a large amount of tablets to meet the calcium requirement!
Coral Calcium: This type of calcium is marketed for more than bone health. Its infomercial claimed that it can cure 200 human diseases. It's indeed only Calcium Carbonate. Beware of these scams!
A big question is--can we take too much calcium? Here is what two scientist-doctors told Lancet, the British Medical Journal on May 19, 2001* " ...Excess calcium supplementation will ...slow the natural turnover of bone." Bone naturally reduces density as we age, and builds anew. This is bone turnover.
They continued, "'aged bone is at risk of 'small fractures. Calcium intakes of 1 to 1.5 grams daily, commonly recommended for postmenopausal women, are associated with an increased rather than a decreased risk of fracture.
".... International rates of hip fractures are higher in countries where calcium consumption is high."
On Sale Liquid Calcium:
Florida Herb House
From all of us at and we hope your enjoy another one of our informative blogs. This blog will contain plenty of information about various mineral supplements and using them. We highly suggest that one choose a liquid mineral supplement when deciding as the absorption is as much as four fold better than that of capsules and tablet form mineral supplements. We always have in on sale and in stock our liquid calcium available in 16oz and 32oz bottles.
So how about calcium? Do we need a calcium supplement? How much should we take? Are there any precautions? What is calcium? Lets get started!
Calcium is a critical nutrient which makes up approximately 1kg of the average adult's body weight. Over 99 per cent of calcium in the body is stored in the bones and teeth with the remaining one per cent stored in the blood and cellular fluids..
The body stores the calcium in two ways:
- one way is an exchangeable pool which allows the calcium tobe released into the blood stream when dietary intake is low
- the remainder of the calcium is stored in an non-exchangeable reserve in the bones.
The Dietary Reference Intake DRI for calcium for adults is 1000mg - 1300mg depending on age and gender. As one serving of dairy product provides ~300mg of calcium, those who do not consume enough calcium from food sources may need calcium supplements to meet their daily requirement.
Quoted from Dr. Weil:
"For women who don’t think they are getting enough of these foods, I recommend a supplement of 500 to 700 mg daily in divided doses with meals. Women concerned about osteoporosis should be aware that supplemental calcium alone will not correct the problem, which is related to heredity, lifestyle and diet, and is accelerated by hormonal changes at menopause. Weight-bearing aerobic exercise (walking, jogging or aerobics) and weight lifting should be part of your prevention program. Because high protein diets also cause bones to lose calcium, keep your daily protein intake low (limit it to no more than 10 to 15 percent of total calories). Avoid soda, excessive caffeine intake, and smoking, all of which promote calcium loss in the urine. An adequate daily intake of calcium (1,000-1,200 mg) along with magnesium and potassium works to control blood pressure by helping to regulate the amount of sodium your body retains. Most of us get all the potassium we need from fresh fruits (especially bananas) and vegetables. (Don’t take potassium supplements unless a doctor has prescribed them.) Taking too much calcium (three to four times the usual dose) can lead to such side effects as constipation, dry mouth, a continuing headache, increased thirst, irritability, loss of appetite, depression, a metallic taste in the mouth, and fatigue."
Calcium is absorbed in small intestines. Not all calcium we consume will be absorbed. The amount of calcium absorbed is dependent on a number of factors such as the acidic condition in our intestines, Vitamin D level, estrogen level and the type of calcium supplement.
Different Types of Calcium Supplements
One important factor affecting calcium absorption is how well the pill dissolves. Try buying calcium pills of US Pharmacopeia's standards. The "USP" on the label indicates that the calcium pill meets the USP standards of supplying adequate elemental calcium and how well it dissolves in our intestines.
Calcium Citrate e.g. Citracal or Solgar: Calcium is best absorbed in an acidic environment, hence calcium citrate is the best absorbed supplemental form of calcium. It does not require extra stomach acid for absorption; hence we may take it anytime in a day, even on an empty stomach. However Calcium Citrate usually provides less elemental calcium per pill, therefore one may need to take a relatively more numbers of pills per day depending to the needs. Cautions: people with acid reflux may not be able to tolerate calcium citrate
Calcium Carbonate e.g. Tums or Caltrate: Most calcium pills in the market are in the form of calcium carbonate. It requires extra stomach acid for better absorption, hence it is best taken after meals.
Dolomite, Bone Meal or Oyster Shell: These naturally occurring calcium pills may contain heavy metal or lead. At the moment, calcium supplements are not tested by any regulatory agency for lead content. Therefore, it's best to avoid.
Calcium Gluconate and Calcium Lactate: These types of calcium pills contain low content of elemental calcium. Hence, one may need to take a large amount of tablets to meet the calcium requirement!
Coral Calcium: This type of calcium is marketed for more than bone health. Its infomercial claimed that it can cure 200 human diseases. It's indeed only Calcium Carbonate. Beware of these scams!
A big question is--can we take too much calcium? Here is what two scientist-doctors told Lancet, the British Medical Journal on May 19, 2001* " ...Excess calcium supplementation will ...slow the natural turnover of bone." Bone naturally reduces density as we age, and builds anew. This is bone turnover.
They continued, "'aged bone is at risk of 'small fractures. Calcium intakes of 1 to 1.5 grams daily, commonly recommended for postmenopausal women, are associated with an increased rather than a decreased risk of fracture.
".... International rates of hip fractures are higher in countries where calcium consumption is high."
On Sale Liquid Calcium:
Florida Herb House
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